
People find piles to be a very embarrassing topic to talk about. But ignoring it can never be a solution. Moreover, if you have piles and keep that untreated to avoid embarrassment, it will become worse. The pain of piles becomes unbearable at times. In this blog, a popular piles doctor in Kolkata named Dr. Mainak Pal has discussed some home remedies to keep piles in control when it is in an initial stage.

Natural hacks to keep your haemorrhoids in control before visiting a doctor

Here are some remedies provided by the best piles doctor in Kolkata that you can try at your home to ease your sufferings in an initial stage:

  • Sitz bath- The best doctor would advise you to initially opt for a sitz bath as it works wonders when it comes to haemorrhoids. Fill up a tub with lukewarm water and for about 15 minutes, soak your genitals and anal canal in the water. This will relax the muscles of the anal canal and will ease your pain related to piles. The best piles doctor in Kolkata advises sitz bath thrice a day before going for any further treatment.
  • Tea tree oil- Tea tree oil does really good on your skin. So, if you use it for your piles, it cleanses bacteria. It soothes your inflammation related to piles. You just need to mix 2 to 3 drops of tea tree oil with a tablespoon of olive oil. Take a piece of cotton ball, soak it in the mixture and apply it to the affected area and repeat it at least 3 times each day.
  • Coconut oil- Coconut oil softens your skin and, as a result, eases your pain related to piles. It is very simple to use. You just need virgin coconut oil; apply it directly to the affected area of your anus with fingers. Keep in mind that the place you apply the oil must be clean. The best piles doctor in Kolkata, Dr. Mainak Pal, advises using the oil 2 to 3 times a day.

Food items you need to add or cut off to win your battle against painful piles

  • Add fiber-rich vegetables and fruits to your daily diet chart as it will keep your bowel movement normal. As a result, your pain will decrease.
  • Water- Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water every day. You can also drink green tea with honey and lime juice. It is both tasty and healthy at the same time.


Try using these home remedies to prevent and avoid the suffering related to piles. If the symptoms of piles persist, do not keep it untreated and consult the best piles doctor in Kolkata, Dr. Mainak Pal and get the right treatment.